Monday, November 3, 2008

Are Newspapers in Peril?

There has been talk that the paper version of the newspaper is on its way out the door and into the trash can where it will surely meet its inevitable demise.

Are newspaper sales really on the decline?

For the non-believers out there, it is true. Newspaper sales are on the decline, USA Today reported that weekly circulation fell 2.5% and Sunday circulation 3.1%.What happened to the traditionalist who enjoyed sipping hot coffee reading the funnies on Sunday morning?

I am searching for the answers to a couple questions:

1. Will the internet contribute significantly to the end of the print newspaper?
2. Will the newspaper be able to make a comeback?

Today’s "news observer" prefers reading current events as they happen on the internet and on cable TV. In today’s society filled with needs of instant gratification, the news in the local paper becomes ancient in the middle of its production. So, what’s good for newspaper companies? Their online readership is up 8%, so while the paper version of the newspaper may be on its last leg, the online newspaper web sites have begun to flourish.

I will argue that the newspaper will make a comeback and will survive the digital age. Further, Internet is not the only guilty party in the fall of the newspaper; cable TV, the behaviors of the consumer in the new era and arguably poor marketing tactics have contributed to the fall in sales and readership over the years. People who have been in the business for a while know that they are there to stay and they will inevitably pose the question, “Ask me again in 20 years” (Jacoby, 2007).


Lieberman, D. (2006, May 9). Newspaper sales dip but websites gain. USA Today. Retrieved October 30, 2008 from

Jacoby, J. (2007, October 28). Will newspapers survive? Boston Globe. Retrieved November 3, 2008 from

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